Legal Services at Reasonable Rates

I do Wills, Trusts, Probates, and ways to work around or go through probate without going to the expense and hassles of Living Trusts.
I am also an MSBA Certified Real Estate Specialist; the first lawyer in Minnesota to advertise more than once - I ran a one-lawyer legal clinic on Lake Street in south Minneapolis, a block east of the old Third Precinct building. Served people who didn't qualify for legal aid but couldn't afford regular lawyer rates.) Literally thousands of Wills and hundreds of probates - particularly those involving real estate.
To the do-it-yourselfers out there:
- A Transfer On Death Deed is one tool, but it's not always the best one to use. One concern is keeping the property insured, asap.
- A Living Trust, with very rare exceptions, does not hide anything from Medical Assistance eligibility requirements and liens. This issue is probably going to get even more complex in the next few years. Long story short - unless it's a completed gift of all rights, more than 61 months prior to applying for benefits, it's not going to work.
- Estate planning is a lot like installing plumbing behind a wall. If it leaks, you're not going to know until after it has done a lot of really expensive damage.
- Deeding any real estate out of the estate to an heir or devisee usually requires a formal court order. Doing so without one creates an expensive title problem and hard feelings later.
This isn't the fanciest website - I don't like having to pay Google thousands of dollars every year while having to charge my clients for the expense of bringing them in. If you like, we can do a meeting via Zoom. I prefer to meet people in person. It usually helps if we can start with a rough draft of what we'll need to do to get you where you're going. Please call, text, or email.